Wednesday 18 September 2013

Romanian Table Manners

It is polite to wait until all the guests are gathered around the table before starting to eat. It is considered bad manners to say something while you are chewing the food. However, Romanians talk a lot during the meal. It is impolite to leave the table before everybody has finished the meal. It is also impolite to smoke while the other people are serving the meal or still eating.

At the end of the meal people usually thank the host for it and congratulate the host for such a wonderful meal, even if you haven't enjoyed the meal, it still would be polite to thank the host as they have gone to a lot of trouble preparing it probably in your honor as the guest of the house.

 DOs and DON’Ts:
DO expect to be served food even if you decline the offer. Refusals are often seen as being polite and not always taken seriously, so if you really don't want food, you must be firm.
DON'T eat until the host says "pofta buna," which means "good appetite."
DON'T put your napkin on your lap. Leave it on the table.
DO use bread to soak up sauce or gravy.
DO indicate that you are still eating by crossing your fork and knife on your plate.
DO indicate that you are finished eating by placing your knife and fork across your plate with the handles facing to the right and the prongs facing downwards.

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